Friday, April 15, 2011

#4 You're not really loved like you would be if you were biological kids

Hi everyone,
First off sorry for not posting for a while, my life just got SOOO busy that I haven't had that much time to do this. =/ anyway..lie #4 is "You're not really loved like you would be if you were biological kids." Let me first say I only have a little bit of knowledge on this one, but I'm hoping to get Josh to do a part on this since he knows more on this one than me....or at least I think so. Usually if parents adopt they adopt because they can't have kids, but they want kids. They do not care if you are biological theirs, to them you are THEIR kids. Doesn't matter if your bio to them or not! They love you exactly the same if you were bio. Also do you know how much work they did just to have you?? It's a lot of paper work, lots of people you have to pay because you need to do this or that. This is especially true if you are adopted from another country!! Then they have to get passports work with the other country's government!! Your parents go through a lot and love you just like bio kids!! So next time you hear or believe this lie remember your parents love you a lot it doesn't matter that your not bio because they love you and they did a lot just to have you!!! Bye!


  1. yea i would have to say from experianece of my own and in my family. to my parents we are all brothers and sisters and their kids like you said there is no adopted brother or sister we are just siblings like any other family and as you know sandy and not so much everyone else our family is mostly groups of different kids from different families but we are all brothers and sisters without the " oh s/he's my adopted sibling" it's "oh he's my brother"

  2. Yup! You have one HUGE family....I still don't know everyone's name...
