Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lie number 7

Hey everyone!
I hope everyone is enjoying summer and all is going well. Let me first say this lie is a bit touchy for some people and I have had fights about this lie. The lie for number 7 is If your biological parent made a mistake e.g. getting pregnant early in life or what ever, you the child will make the same mistake and that if something happened in the past that was bad to you, you will do it to someone else.

This lie makes me think of a part of the bible that goes like this. He is Jesus just so those of you who haven't read the bible. "As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?' 'Neither this man nor his parents sinned,' said Jesus..." This is the same way as this lie, just because an adoptees parent's make a mistake does not mean the adoptee will make that mistake! There is something called freedom of will and choice! No one does something unless they want to plain and simple. Yes the effects of what the parents have done does affect the adoptees in ways like they have gone from foster home to foster home or that they become adopted, but other than that that does not mean the adoptees will make the same mistake! This is my opinion in a nut shell otherwise I can rant on this forever!! Just ask some of the people I've had fights on this, so bye! Have a great week!! =D

Thursday, May 5, 2011

#6 If you're adopted from another country you can't call that your home country while here in the U.S, because that means your a bad U.S. citizen.

Hey everyone,
So instead of doing this lie next week I thought today would be the best day for it. Especially since today is Cinco de Mayo! Lie number 6 is, "If you're adopted from another country you can't call that your home country while here in the U.S, because that means your a bad U.S. citizen." Okay this is one of those things that I get all the time so let me explain how the conversation usually goes.

Somehow the other person brings up Mexico...
Me:Oh that's my home country.
Other person: Oh? (With this really weird look on their face)
Me: Yeah I was adopted from there!
Other person: Oh I see...(Has this face that says "but you are here in the U.S.A.!" and usually leave to talk to someone else.)

The thing I tried to tell people now is the town they were born at or lived a big part of their life is their home town right? Well I was born in Mexico so it is like my home town but instead it's a country. I do feel for my home country, I mean with how horrible the drug lord stuff is going on in Mexico yes a part of me aches to see Mexico fight this and stop it. (Also why I wanted so badly to go do to Mexico on the mission trip my church had. The story of that is here, here and here.)But let me first say yes I am a U.S.A. citizen, and I am VERY proud to be an American! I am lucky to have two countries, and their cultures. I have Mexico as my home country and I get to take a bit of what I like from their culture. Then I have U.S. as my home now and I get to take a bit of this culture. I get the best of both worlds! =) This does not make me a bad U.S. citizen it just means I have a bit of both countries in me. Next time someone says something like "Oh that's my home country..." don't give them that weird look, or any grief about it. Just because we have another country does not mean we're not good U.S. citizens! Just look at me, most people know I am proud to say I am an American and I still have a place in my heart for Mexico. Hopefully I didn't beat a dead horse too much, but this is one thing that can drive me nuts! Have a good rest of the week and weekend!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

#5 You're not really a family.

Hey everyone,
Let me again say sorry for not keeping up with this blog. Like I said before life has been busy, and loves to throw curve balls at me.
Now the lie for this week is "You're not a really a family." Well I looked up the actually definition for family. Well I found a lot of definitions for it, but here is a pic of some of the definitions.

The best definition to me is number 5. To me a family is a mom, and a dad raising their kids. This lie also goes along with last week's lie. If you are adopted your parents love you just like if they would have or have bio kids. This is a family no matter if you are bio kids or if you are adopted kids.

I know some of my friends don't really like it when people look at their family for a long time trying to figure it all out. Mostly it drives them nuts when people are just staring and won't stop because it seems weird to them that for example the parents are white, one daughter is Hispanic, and the other daughter is black. What ever the case I guess this has never really bugged me, I figure let them stare who cares!! If they judge me based on that or whatever it's their own fault and their lose for not really getting to know me and my family.

Okay so sorry this wasn't the neatest post I have ever written and that I didn't really have much to say on it. But I'll leave you with a few wonderful family quotes.

"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them." Bishop Desmond Tutu
"Family is the most important thing in the world." Princess Diana

"I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich." Dan Wilcox and Thad Mumford, "Identity Crisis," M*A*S*H

"It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons." Johann Schiller

"Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts." Author Unknown
This quote is so true of my family. XD

"Our most basic instinct is not for survival but for family. Most of us would give our own life for the survival of a family member, yet we lead our daily life too often as if we take our family for granted." Paul Pearshall
"If the family were a fruit, it would be an orange, a circle of sections, held together but separable - each segment distinct." Letty Cottin Pogredin
Okay sorry I probably gave you too many quotes, but there are too many good family quotes that I had to share! Maybe I can convince my friends who were going to write things on here to actually do it. (Though they have been super busy I will give them that.)