Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lie number 7

Hey everyone!
I hope everyone is enjoying summer and all is going well. Let me first say this lie is a bit touchy for some people and I have had fights about this lie. The lie for number 7 is If your biological parent made a mistake e.g. getting pregnant early in life or what ever, you the child will make the same mistake and that if something happened in the past that was bad to you, you will do it to someone else.

This lie makes me think of a part of the bible that goes like this. He is Jesus just so those of you who haven't read the bible. "As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?' 'Neither this man nor his parents sinned,' said Jesus..." This is the same way as this lie, just because an adoptees parent's make a mistake does not mean the adoptee will make that mistake! There is something called freedom of will and choice! No one does something unless they want to plain and simple. Yes the effects of what the parents have done does affect the adoptees in ways like they have gone from foster home to foster home or that they become adopted, but other than that that does not mean the adoptees will make the same mistake! This is my opinion in a nut shell otherwise I can rant on this forever!! Just ask some of the people I've had fights on this, so bye! Have a great week!! =D

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