Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lie #1 Pity Parties

Hey Everyone,
The first lie that I want to talk about is the pity parties, we the adoptees get. I go to an online school called insight school of Minnesota, or a.k.a. ISMN, anywho I've been there since my freshman year. Each new semester we the students have to introduce ourselves to everyone in class. Well my freshman year I would introduce myself like this "Hi, I'm Sandy I'm 14 but will be 15 soon. I'm a Christian, and I'm adopted. My favorite subjects are math, history, and science." Well as soon as I got to the part "I'm adopted" I got all these pity parties. My peers would go "Oh I'm sooooo sorry to hear that!!" This can really get to adoptees, I in fact sometimes left that part out just so I wouldn't get the pity parties! I'd only tell that I was adopted if the subject was brought up in class or if someone said they were, then I'd start talking to them about it. In any case when we the adoptees say we're adopted, this does not mean you should go "Oh I"m so sorry to hear that," to us most of us feel extremely lucky to be adopted. We are happy that our parents could give us up even though this is extremely hard for them, but they still did it because they love us!! (More on our bio parents loving us later.) Second we're happy we have a family; some of us were in foster care where you have a hard time fitting in because you keep getting put in different families. So having one family is a huge deal to have finally that one family that you will stay with!! There is no reason to pity us, also if you do sometimes if we hear it enough we think we should pity ourselves, which really can lead to sad things. Next time you hear someone says "I'm adopted" PLEASE, PLEASE do not say "oh I'm soooo sorry to hear that!!!" Well I must go see you next time for lie #2 Your biological parents don't love you.
This is one of the reasons I started talking to my boyfriend and how we got so close. He was another adoptee, so I felt free to tell him I was one and we both could talk freely about being adopted without getting pity parties.

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