Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What I hope this blog will do...

Hey everyone,
Josh and I created this blog because we want to help other adoptees. Also I'd like to talk about some of the lies we are told and sometimes start to believe, like that your birth parents didn't love you etc... Plus I know some people who have stereotyped adoptees, and I'd like for those people to realize that, those stereotypes aren't always true or even that they're not true. Plus I know that if adoptees talk to each other we usually open up and it helps us! I want this blog to be a place where other adoptees can comment and talk to each other and help each other. (I want to figure out how to put a chat thing on here were everyone can talk to each other while on here, but I don't know how to do that yet. If you know how please feel free to comment to tell me how! Thanks!) Here are a few of the lies I want to talk about over time.
#1 People give us pity parties because we are adopted, but we don't want pity parties. There is no reason to pity us!
#2 Your biological parents did not love you.
#3 You can't have a place in your heart for your biological parents, because that's not fair to your adopted parents.
#4 You're not really loved like you would be if you were biological kids.
#5 You're not a really family.
#6 If you're adopted from another country you can't call that your home country while here in the U.S, because that means your a bad U.S. citizen.
#7 If your biological parent made a mistake e.g. getting pregnant early in life or what ever, you the child will make the same mistake.
#8 That if you were in foster care/adopted you are a freak/weirdo that has to have a lot of problems.
These are just a few of the lies that my adopted friends and I have gone through. If you have any other ones you'd like for me to talk about please comment below and I will be more than happy to talk about it!! Well I hope this blog helps! Bye everyone see you later!!

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